Laboratory Records
Most Lipid Extractions in One Day: 55 - Lauren Cordova, 2017

Most Electroporations in One Day: 72 - Austin Comer, 2011

Most Old Kit Maxipreps in One Day: 3 - Amanda Lanza, 2012

Most New Kit Maxipreps in One Day: 22 - James Wagner, 2019

Most RNA Extractions in One Day: 30 - Matthew Deaner, 2017

Most E. coli Minipreps in One Day (no multichannel): 108 - Jie Sun, 2013

Most Yeast Minipreps in One Day: 95 - Jie Sun, 2013

Most Sequencing Reactions Submitted at Once: 288 - Jie Sun, 2013

Most Simultaneous Tube Cultures: 363 - Shuo-Fu (Joseph) Yuan, 2019

Most Concurrent PCRs: 96 - Nathan Crook, 2012

Most Plates Poured in one day: 720 - Nathan Crook, 2012

Most Cultures Plated in one day: 480 - Nathan Crook, 2012

Most Concurrent Transient Mammalian Cultures: 38 - Joseph Cheng, 2012

Highest Yield from a Gel Extraction: 107.1 ng/uL - Jie Sun, 2013

Most qPCR Reactions at once: 717 - Matthew Deaner, 2017

Most "Fire in the Hole" Wings eaten: 51 - John Leavitt, 2015

Most Constructs Generated Correctly the First Time: 50 - Eric Young, 2011

Most Complex Gibson Assemblies Performed Correctly the First Time: 5 successful 7 piece Gibsons - Kevin Reed, 2019